Submit your work
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Please upload all images in a zip folder and all written work in pdf or word format.
Submission Guidelines
We only accept original content. Images that have been used elsewhere are acceptable but please do not pitch written content that you have published on another website as these will not be considered.
All articles should be at least 800 words but we prefer more in-depth articles of between 1,500 - 3,000 words. These are always given preference during selection.
We only accept original photographs. High resolution images are a major component in being chosen as a contributor. Please only pitch article ideas that you have at least 5-10 high-quality images for.
Tips For Submissions
Tips and tricks to help you write a compelling piece about your travel experience.
Travel stories really come to life when enough detail is provided. Use all five senses and describe what you were experiencing in totality, whether it be the burn of an exotic spice in a noisy street or the sound of a lion roaring as you felt the warmth of the rising sun. The details paint a picture more easily understood by the reader.
Read your story out loud.
One of our most solid tips for editing your work before submitting is to read it out loud. If you stumble over sentences or have a hard time making it through a paragraph, that will highlight which parts you need to revise.
Don't shy away from emotion.
Travel is all about emotion. How you were feeling when you saw something or experienced something or visited a certain place. Nervous? Excited? Scared? Explain that, and be honest about what you were experiencing.
Introduce the locals.
Let your readers meet the local people who played a part in your trip. This will help bring the experience to life. And if you can remember some of the things that were said, use dialogue.
Get in touch.
If you’re unsure if your article is a suitable fit or if it will meet our standards then go ahead and ask, we’re always happy to assist writers with helpful critiques and constructive advice.