Welcome to Canada, a land of endless horizons and diverse experiences that stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific and up into the Arctic Circle.

Canada is where the wild meets the sophisticated, where you can find yourself hiking through pristine wilderness in the morning and savoring world-class cuisine by night.

This is a country where the great outdoors beckons with open arms, offering adventures that range from skiing down powdery slopes to kayaking along rugged coastlines, from witnessing the majestic power of Niagara Falls to exploring the ancient forests of British Columbia.

But it’s not just the natural beauty that will capture your heart; Canada’s cities are pulsating with vibrant cultures, cutting-edge art, and a welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.

As we guide you through Canada, we’ll share insider tips on how to navigate this vast country, from the cosmopolitan streets of Toronto and Montreal to the serene beauty of the Canadian Rockies and the remote villages of the North.


The Best Time To Visit

The ideal time to visit Canada varies by what you wish to experience.

Summer (June to August) is best for warm weather and outdoor activities but is also the busiest season. Fall (September to October) offers stunning foliage and cooler, less crowded conditions, making it great for hiking and festivals.

Winter (November to March) is perfect for snow sports and viewing the Northern Lights, offering a picturesque snowy landscape. Spring (April to May) features milder weather and beautiful blossoms, with fewer tourists.

Each season in Canada provides unique experiences, from vibrant summer explorations to serene winter wonderlands.

What To Know

Canada is officially bilingual, recognizing both English and French as official languages.

English is the most widely spoken language across most of the country, while French is predominantly spoken in Quebec, as well as parts of New Brunswick and some areas of Ontario, Manitoba, and Alberta.

The currency used in Canada is the Canadian Dollar.

Canada is generally considered one of the safest countries in the world. It boasts a low crime rate, a high standard of living, and a robust legal and police system that ensures the safety and security of its residents and visitors alike.

Violent crime is rare, and petty crimes like theft are not common, but as with any destination, it’s wise for travelers to remain aware of their surroundings and take standard precautions, especially in urban areas and tourist hotspots.

Canada’s public transport system varies across the country, ranging from comprehensive networks in larger cities to more limited services in rural areas. Major cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa boast extensive public transit systems, including buses, subways, and trams, making urban navigation easy and efficient.

  • Buses and Coaches: Cities and towns are served by reliable bus services, and long-distance coach lines connect major urban centers across provinces.
  • Rail Services: VIA Rail offers intercity rail services connecting key cities across Canada, while commuter trains serve the suburbs of major metropolitan areas. The iconic Rocky Mountaineer and The Canadian offer scenic rail journeys through Canada’s stunning landscapes.
  • Ferries: In coastal and lake regions, ferries are an important part of the transport network, connecting mainland areas with islands and remote communities, notably in British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces.
  • Air Travel: Given Canada’s vast size, air travel is often the most efficient way to cover long distances between regions, with major airlines and regional carriers linking cities and remote communities.

While public transport is generally efficient and safe, the extent and frequency of services can vary, especially in less populated areas. Travelers are advised to plan ahead and consider purchasing passes for multi-use or extended periods where available to simplify travel and potentially save on costs.

Canada Travel Guides