Great White Sharks Are 'Bullying' People Out Of The Sea

Great White Sharks Are 'Bullying' People Out Of The Sea

Panic is spreading across the US east coast, with increasing reports of Great…

boy finds woolly mammoth tooth in Ohio

Boy Finds Woolly Mammoth Tooth Outside Ohio Resort

Jackson Hepner, was spending time with his family at a holiday resort in Ohio,…

10-year-old boy snatched from boat by crocodile

10-Year-Old Boy Snatched From Boat And Eaten By Crocodiles In front Of Brothers

A 10-year-old boy has died in the Philippines after being snatched from a boat…

Our Galaxy's blackhole lit up 75 times brighter and no one knows why

Our Galaxy's Blackhole Lit Up and No One Knows Why

The giant blackhole at the core of the Milky Way became 75 times brighter in…

70-Year-Old Elephant's Emaciated Body Hidden By Festival Costume

Heartbreaking images have surfaced of this starving 70-year-old elephant made…

locals look on as 23 pilot whales are slaughtered in the Faroe Islands

Sea Turns Red As 23 Whales Are Slaughtered On Faroe Islands

Tourists looked on in shock as the sea began to turn red from the blood of 23…

WATCH|Elephant Kicks Buffalo In The Head

9-year -old Alex Rae and other visitors to the Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve…

366 poachers arrested in the Kruger National Park Since 2018

366 Rhino Poachers Arrested in Kruger National Park Since Start Of 2018

472 white rhinos were poached in the Kruger park between April 1, 2018, and…

alligator devours large pitbull in florida

Alligator Attacks Large Pitbull During Walk in Florida

Florida strikes again. Tank, a 45kg pit bull has died after being attacked and…

Giant spider catches a bat in its web

Massive Spider Catches Bat In Its Web Outside House

Video footage captured by Annete Alaniz Guajardo, shows a dead bat hanging in…